
Bishop Oriel Ballano does not have any upcoming events.

BOMB is the Founder & Senior Pastor of the Doulos for Christ World Harvest Ministy and G12 Coordinator for the Philippines
In 1988, Bishop Oriel M. Ballano (BOMB or 'The BOMB' as his church endearingly calls him) felt God speak to him about having a ministry that would grow to have so many people primarily from the campuses. On the same year, BOMB with his wife Geraldine founded the Doulos for Christ World Harvest Ministry (DFC), starting with a small group of people from the Far Easter University. Today the church has more than eleven thousand members.

DFC grew as BOMB followed Jesus' example of building the church on a foundation of 12 disciples. He adopted the G12 vision in 2003 to train twelve people that are able to reproduce the character of Christ in each of them and they in turn are able to do the same with another twelve and so on, then the church experienced unprecedented growth. Today, the influence of his church that had such humble beginnings in Manila extends all over the nation.

BOMB was ordained Bishop by the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) February 2010.

BOMB is the G12 coordinator for the Philippines, serving under Ps. Cesar Castellanos, founder of the G12 Vision. He is an inspirational pastor that has many recorded teachings about church growth, discipleship, and the G12 vision in conquering cities for Christ. He is also now becoming a well-sought-after international speaker in Asia and in the United States.

BOMB and his wife Geraldine have three daughters, and a son. They all work together as a family in ministry.

Pastor Geraldine C. Ballano has faithfully served alongside her husband since the birth of the DFC. Leading one of the largest networks of women in the nation, she is responsible for over 8,000 women inside the cell groups of DFC.

What is G12?

The G12 vision is focused on Jesus Christ and His command to the church to 'go and make disciples of all nations.' This is to be accomplished by the preaching and the teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in the power of the Holy Spirit and the training of committed followers of Christ.

Based on Christ's mentoring of twelve disciples and sending them out to disciple others, the G12 vision is a vision of formation and multiplication. G12 stands for Government of 12 and represents the lordship of Jesus Christ being established in the life of each of the 12 disciples. Trained disciples then train disciples to train disciples in a continuing process that aims for all people everywhere to learn of Christ's love and His power to transform lives.

G12 is not a denomination it is a vision to bless the body of Christ and extend the Kingdom of God.